And 23 travel hours later….

That’s right folks, I’m home! There are many reasons why I chose to come back and pause in Canada for a while (hint, invite me out to dinner and I’ll gladly explain!!)  Rest assured, I’m super excited for the opportunity to spend time with loved ones and look forward to planning my next adventure!

Travel does not exist without home… If we never returned to the place we started we would just be wandering.  Lost. Home is a reflective surface, a place to measure our growth and enrich us after being infused with the outside world. – Josh Gates

4 thoughts on “And 23 travel hours later….

  1. Paul Dehler says:

    Dear uncomfortable traveller,
    The news of your return to your home country fills me with great joy. Of course, you are too humble to reveal that you have been convened to Ottawa by special request of the Prime Minister. Skuttlebutt has it that he has read all your travel blague entries and was most impressed with your foreign affairs–your secondment to Hawaii Five-O where you caught a band of rogue waves on polaroid, your travel to “neutral” Switzerland where your attempt to nab Canadian tax evaders was thwarted by WMD’s (Weapons of Mud Destruction), your exploratory trip to Amsterdam cafés in order to establish “best practices” prior to the legalisation of marrywanna, your dangerous mission to Middle-Earth where you were instructed to return the coveted ring from Harvey Weinstein of Miramax Films.
    Each of these quests were meant to prepare you for your ultimate task: to ensure that Justin and Sophie will never, ever again be photographed without shoes while draped in Indian garments.
    If anyone is up to this task it’s “SuperPage” !!!

    I gladly accept your offer to exert influence upon the PM on my behalf in exchange for lunch at a restaurant of your choice.


    Welcome back Julie, you must be exhausted. Have a good rest – as for your next adventure, where else is there left to visit? 🙂

    • OutOfHerComfortZone says:

      Thanks everyone! I still have a looooong bucket list of travel destinations (Italy, Greece, Croatia, Malta, more SouthEast Asia, Antartica…) so exploring some ideas!

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