Why Do I Travel?

So, why are you traveling?  Why do you travel by yourself?  Aren’t you scared?  Why are you staying away from home for so long?  What are you escaping?  Aren’t you lonely?  Don’t you miss your family?  How can you afford this?  Why did you chose to visit these places?

These are the questions I get asked the most.  Usually when I meet non-long-term travellers.  Sometimes even fellow travellers will ask me these questions.  It’s hard for others to understand what motivates someone to undertake long term travel.  Heck, it’s hard for me to understand sometimes;  I ask myself those very same questions.  I’ve also asked others what motivates them to vagabond around the world.  For many, a common theme is escapism; unhappy in their job, their life, they chose to leave it all behind and wander from place to place.  To find themselves, find some happiness.  Many do find what they are looking for, others don’t.  For me, it was never about that.  I have a job I love, friends and family that I adore, a wonderful life.  So, why would I want to leave all that for a year and go off on my own?   Those are all good questions, ones that I’ve reflected heavily upon over the last couple of weeks.  I’m not sure I have all the answers yet, but you can be sure I won’t stop until I do!