Rain, Rain, Go Away.

Day: 95
Km travelled: 155.6km
Steps: 11,692
Location: Montreux, Switzerland

December 10, 2017

Still riding a (snowy) high from my time in Interlaken, I hoped on a train to the city of Montreux, in the French part of Switzerland.  Not just any train though, a scenic train! This was the main reason I had come to Switzerland, to ride the rails and experience the romanticism of train travel trough such picturesque terrain.   I had even worked extra shifts for 3 weeks to finance this final leg of my Western European trip.  I had much ‘riding’ on this train!

The Golden Pass line runs between Zweisimmen & Montreux.  It has large windows, larger than a typical train, allowing for a more panoramic view of the fleeting countryside.  This section of the country is reported to be one of the most beautiful.  Unfortunately, it was raining.  Story of my life at this point.  While I didn’t exactly get the postcard perfect view I had dreamed of, the landscape was still spectacular.  A rainy day on a Switzerland panoramic train is still a day on a Swiss panoramic train!

The rained continued all the way to Montreux.  Luckily, the weather was mild (+7) and my hotel was not far from the train station.  Having arrived early in the day, I had plenty of time to explore the city.  Walking along the shores of Lake Geneva, I came upon the christmas market. Montreux Noel is a city-wide event, with the main market stretched out on the street bordering Lake Geneva.  Makes for quite a picturesque setting!  Although, one had to be careful as the water was so turbulent, it would crash upon the street soaking anything or anyone unlucky enough to be too close.

Despite the rain, I took some time to browse the different stalls and soon came upon a familiar sight:

Run by a couple from Quebec, they offered maple syrup and products, as well as “the best Canadian crepes” and a maple whisky in a shot called “Shooter a Ti-Jean”.  i opted for the traditional maple crêpe.  A little taste of home goes a long way when you least expect it.  Continuing further along, I came upon another very Canadian stand.

Note the Sidney Crosby jersey.  They also had a Nordik tuque which I thought was an interesting addition.

Montreux is a quaint town, in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.  It was a stark contrast to Interlaken and Zürich, which have a more German-style of architecture.  Montreux, on the other hand, is quintessential French.  Well, to me at least.  Stately houses and  grand hotels reminiscent of La Belle Époque.  The Hotel Montreux Palace (right) is a perfect example.

After a few hours in the rain, I was ready for a dryer activity.  I headed a short way down the lake to visit Château Chillon.  A medieval fortress with a long history (dates back to the 1000’s ), it is one of Switzerland &   Europe’s most visited castle.  It’s extremely well-preserved, which I suppose is one of the advantages of being in a famously neutral country. 

There are an abundance of actors in period clothing, going about their day as they likely would have in the Middle Ages.  Some of them took their roles very seriously and were quite entertaining!  












The scene above, on the right was one of my favourites.  It reminded me of something straight out of a Vermeer painting!  All that was missing was a virginal.   







The rain had certainly put a damper on my day however I was still able to enjoy the few hours I had in Montreux!  At this point in the trip, I had come to terms with the rain and vowed to remain positive.  If only I could remember to bring my umbrella along…

I may be soaked, but at least I’m still smiling!