Bonjour! I’m Julie, a thirty something Canadian girl who’s dreamed of travelling the world since she was 7 years old.
I spent years dreaming of far off lands, exotic people and thrilling adventures… all from the safety of my comfort zone! Then, in 2013, everything changed. I had booked a trip to Europe and, while strolling in the Kensington Gardens, basking in the warmth of the sun, it suddenly became clear: this is what I’d been missing. I could feel it in my soul; the longing to explore, to learn, to see, to do. To travel. I was hooked!
Returning home, I knew I had to go back. I wasn’t sure how or when, but I knew this travel journey had just started. Thus, somewhat impulsively, I enrolled in a pre-paid leave of absence with my workplace. I didn’t ask questions, signed on the dotted line and spent the next 3 years dreaming of tropical beaches, savoury dishes, and historic landmarks. This was going to be epic!
Never in all that time did I stop to think of the challenges that accompanies long term travel: extended absences from loved ones, daily immersion in unfamiliar situations, living off a pre-determined budget and carrying your life on your back. I realized that these things all gave me anxiety as they pushed the boundaries of my comfort zone and feeling of safety & security. Would I really be able to this? Ready or not, there was no turning back.
For the next year, I am choosing to step to the right of my comfort zone and make magic happen!
What could possibly go wrong?