September 19, 2017: I had the pleasure to visit family in Roumens, in southwestern France. The photo can attest to the incredible beauty of the countryside and is still one of my favorites to this day!

September 19, 2017: I had the pleasure to visit family in Roumens, in southwestern France. The photo can attest to the incredible beauty of the countryside and is still one of my favorites to this day!
September 15, 2017 The best thing in Marseille that day!
September 12, On this day in 2017……. I chased the sun all the way to Provence. Bright sun, strong coffee, and even stronger pastis!
Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one! Indeed, a whole lot can happen in a year! And boy, did it ever! On September 6th 2017, I sat in the Montreal airport, anxiously awaiting to board my flight to Paris. Probably the most important flight I had taken thus Read More