Turkey less but oh so thankful!

I’m Thankful For…

…wonderful family who supported me in my crazy choice to leave them for a year

… amazing friends who listen to me, counsel me, calm me and add spice to my life

… fantastic colleagues who tolerate my rants, raid my chocolate stash and remind me that parties should be fun

…70% off Kindle books to keep me entertained and on budget

… the magic of Skype, FaceTime & WhatsApp that keeps me connected to my world when it feels so far away

… my Canadian passport that opens doors and borders

… my work for having the foresight years ago to establish a pre-paid leave program in anticipation that I would someday take advantage of the opportunity

… ziplock bags and wine bottle protectors that have saved me more than once

… my university degree, the source of some of my greatest struggles and triumphs,  that set me up for fulfilling opportunities. 

… unlocked smartphones and cheap SIM cards that orient me easily in strange new cities

… Superset insoles and ergonomic backpacks that keep my spine smiling

… all the messages of support and encouragement I receive that share in my joys and lift my spirits on harder days (keep them coming!)

… breakfast included in the price of the room.  Enough said.

And especially….

…all of you who take the time to read the thoughts I painstakingly put to paper and so patiently forgive the lateness of my posts


10 thoughts on “Turkey less but oh so thankful!

  1. Carole says:

    I’m thankful that you’re my friend, that you chose to remain my friend after our worlds were separated.

  2. Erin says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Julie! So much fun to hear about what you’re up to a world away. We miss you on L5!

  3. Sandi says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Julie…love hearing about your adventures very interesting. A dream come true for you xo

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