Goooooooooood Morning Vietnam!

Location: Vietnam, Southeast Asia

“Goooooooood morning Vietnam! It’s 0600 hours. What does the “O” stand for? O my God, it’s early!”

In case you’ve missed the last few posts, I’m in Vietnam!  I’ve now been in the country for about 2 weeks and have yet to write a ‘story’ on the blog.  And you might be wondering why that is.  The reason is actually quite simple: I’m having too much fun!

Before this whole adventure was ever a serious possibility, I had never given much thought to visiting Southeast Asia.  However, it became abundantly clear that this corner of the world was THE destination for backpackers and budget travellers alike.  So I figured I would do the backpacker trifecta: Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.  In truth, I had mixed feelings about visiting Asia: while the Google Images I pulled up looked amazing, it didn’t ignite a spark of curiosity within in me.  Vietnam, however, was the only country in the area that had a glimmer of interest for me: visions of locals in conical hats, savoury dishes & exotic landscapes danced in my head, a nostalgic reel of days gone past.  I have Hollywood to thank for that, really.

I’ve had a lot of time this winter to reflect on my travels, where I’ve been and where I want to go.  One lesson I learned pretty clearly: only travel to places that excite you!  It may seem like a simple concept.  However, it’s surprisingly easy to get swept away in the idea of a destination versus the destination itself.

So I made an executive decision and revised my vague concept of a travel plan: I would skip Thailand and Cambodia, visit Vietnam for a few weeks before heading back to Europe.

As I sat in the plane, I had butterflies, something that hadn’t happened for quite some time on this trip.  AS we got closer, I was starting to get excited. I just had a feeling about Vietnam.  I couldn’t quite explain it.  But I just knew.  I knew it was going to be something special.

And look at that, I was right!  Vietnam is simply wonderful!  It’s completely different from anywhere I’ve ever visited.  Traveling the country isn’t easy; you need to work at it, it’s challenging, often frustrating.  But that makes the rewards even more sweet.  This country is anything but boring.

Long story short, Vietnam is a wonderful surprise and I’m having a blast!  I promise, more details are coming!